What makes Aligned Social different from other social networks?

Aligned Social uses wellness-oriented technology to guide individuals in setting their own intentions and curating their ideal social media experience. The goal is to give the power back to the people, encouraging embodied decision-making not only in the digital world but bringing that awareness back to reality. Check out the features for more information about each aspect we know makes us different.

How do I subscribe to Aligned Social?

We cannot wait for you to join the community. Join our waitlist to be the first to know when we are accepting users to the new platform.

What are the subscription options?

It’s only $8 a month. Check out why we choose a subscription model.

Can I recruit friends to join too?

Absolutely! We believe sharing is caring. The best way to create the community you want to see is to invite your friends. We have created some graphics which makes it easy for you to share on other social platforms. Share Aligned Social!

How can I report a bug?

Sometimes technical difficulties can arise. We do our best for you never to have this experience. If something should come up, please let us know here.

I love what you are doing, can I volunteer at Aligned Social?

Thank you. We appreciate how much you enjoy what we are doing. Here are some volunteer opportunities that we are currently looking for.

How can I make suggestions to improve Aligned Social?

We believe that feedback is a gift. We would love for you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us here.

If I don’t feel Aligned Social is for me, how can I cancel?

We believe in your freedom to choose who and what you align with, which could include Aligned Social itself. Just like you can choose to align and release on the platform. If you ever feel called to come back, we would love to have you. You can cancel anytime through your profile.

On a mission to change social media. A Better Way to Social.

(866) 881-8652

1207 Delaware Ave, Suite 1814, Wilmington, DE 19806

© 2024 Aligned Social. All Rights Reserved